الخلافات تعلق مفاوضات جنوب السودان

قال مصدر مقرب من وساطة دول منظمة شرق أفريقيا “الإيقاد” يوم السبت، إن مفاوضات جنوب السودان بين الحكومة والمتمردين، عُلقت إلى 29 مايو الجاري، موضحاً أن تعثّرها جاء “نتيجة الخلافات في اللجنتين السياسية والأمنية” من الطرفين.

وكشف المصدر المقرب من الوساطة، أن الخلافات في اللجنة السياسية ظهرت حول تعريف الحكومة الانتقالية ومهامها، وفي تحديد الفترة الانتقالية”، متحدّثاً عن “تباعد في المسافات حول معايير المشاركة في السلطة وإجراء الانتخابات والآليّات المتّبعة لتداول السلطة”.

وفي ما يتعلّق بالشق الأمني، أوضح المصدر نفسه أن “المعارضة اشترطت انسحاب القوّات اليوغندية خلال 24 ساعة من توقيع الاتفاق.

وقال إن هذا الشرط رفضته الحكومة، مؤكّدة على أن الانسحاب يأتي وفق ترتيبات أمنية تواكب مجريات الأحداث”.

يذكر أن دولة جنوب السودان الوليدة تشهد منذ منتصف ديسمبر الماضي، مواجهات دامية بين القوّات الحكومية ومسلحين مناوئين لها، تابعين لنائب الرئيس ريك مشار الذي أقاله سلفاكير ميارديت، متّهماً إياه بمحاولة الانقلاب عليه عسكرياً، وهو ما ينفيه مشار.


تعليق واحد

  1. Do share my sincere sympathies and compassion with our people in our beloved south? Obviously, there is no hope what so ever in the quality and caliber of those politicians in both sides of Sudan ?North & South?. Same obscenity and incomprehensible stupidity! Had the hope that the Southern politician will have the tenacity to set a new model and example not for us in Sudan, but to the whole world, so even we could leave the North, and immigrate to the South until we repose the north back. Had this dreams based on the fact ?Sudan? is one country with a diverse and unique structure, and none of them could survive without the other, and all this controversy and fuss about the secession is just a temporary interval, and soon we will be the same again. I do cry for our people in the South, what they have experienced since 1955 is unbearable and unacceptable! Glimpse at the children?s photos brought us by the media during predicament is the most awful and cruel spectacles a human could watch. Sad to say that, but true HISTORY DOOMED TO REPEAT ITSELF..

  2. Do share my sincere sympathies and compassion with our people in our beloved south? Obviously, there is no hope what so ever in the quality and caliber of those politicians in both sides of Sudan ?North & South?. Same obscenity and incomprehensible stupidity! Had the hope that the Southern politician will have the tenacity to set a new model and example not for us in Sudan, but to the whole world, so even we could leave the North, and immigrate to the South until we repose the north back. Had this dreams based on the fact ?Sudan? is one country with a diverse and unique structure, and none of them could survive without the other, and all this controversy and fuss about the secession is just a temporary interval, and soon we will be the same again. I do cry for our people in the South, what they have experienced since 1955 is unbearable and unacceptable! Glimpse at the children?s photos brought us by the media during predicament is the most awful and cruel spectacles a human could watch. Sad to say that, but true HISTORY DOOMED TO REPEAT ITSELF..

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