كيف سافر الى أميركا..؟..عملاق «الأدغال»..مانوت بول أطول لاعب كرة سلة ناضل في سبيل جنوب السودان..عبارته «ماي باد» صار أميركيون يستعملونها تندرا في حياتهم اليومية.

تعليق واحد

  1. no body can deny that sennar is the worst state in sudan,,,i know it very well ,…and reason for that is clear for every one going there……..:cool: that one who called AHMED ABAS is ver corruptive man,,,and thing that he know every thing but he didnt..,,,.and for those whome not know him i wwould like to add that he havnt any educatinal level even bachleor,,,if he stay there for one year every yhing will gettig down in that state which people of it suffer alot from those whom are crruptive like him……and in concern to that company which he denied it i wanna say,,,,lier and ler ,,,u have and alot of ur relative take work in doing ur business,,,

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