مظاهرة كبرى لرابطة جبال النوبة العالمية امام مبنى الامم المتحدة بنيويورك

بمناسبة مرور خمسة سنوات على حرب الإبادة العرقية الثانية بجبال النوبة التي اندلعت في السادس من يونيو ٢٠١١م، واستمرار القصف اليومي للمواطنين الأبرياء وآخره القصف الجوي لمنطقة هيبان بجبال النوبة الذي راح ضحيته عدد ستة أطفال ابرياء تناقلت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي صورهم المروعة ، وفي ظل منع الغذاء والدواء لمواطنين جبال النوبة وسط صمت المجتمع الدولي والاقليمي والمحلي عما يدور بالمنطقة.

تدعو رابطة جبال النوبة العالمية كل قوى الهامش السوداني والمعارضة السودانية والنشطاء والمدافعين عن حقوق الانسان واصدقاء النوبة للمشاركة في التظاهرة الحاشدة بنيويورك لتسجيل صوت ادانة وشجب لانتهاكات حقوق الانسان ضد المدنيين

التاريخ : ٦ يونيو ٢٠١٦م
الزمان : الساعة الواحدة ظهراً بالتوقيت الشرقي
المكان : امام مبنى الامم المتحدة/ نيويورك
MN-Dag Hammarskjold Plaza

East 47th Street

1st Avenue- 2and Avenue

New York, NY 10017

للاستفسار يرجى الاتصال بالآتية أسماءهم

١/ ماجد كباشي هاتف ٣٤٧٥٧٩٥١١١ ايمل [email][email protected][/email] ٢/ أنور تية هاتف ٢٠٣٥٦٠٣٠٨٢ ايمل [email][email protected][/email]

إعلام الرابطة

تعليق واحد

  1. Anuwar and Majid with all other civilian and non-governmental organizations activists, please put it right this time, simply because all sides who are not concerned major with the issue of the Nuba Mountains Region long standing still problems added to that of the Blue Nile Region problem, but the Sudanese are not quite happy about the Nuba Mountains people, for historic reasons. The only cause to be associate with Nuba people to use them as horses, riding them to reach their goals. Now every one should understand properly that we love Sudan, but we should not only be used by others for this exploitive Sudan, the right is to go back to what UN conventions on the rights of the people on their culture and religion of 1997 and the similar convention of the indigenous populations rights of 2009, then decide through proper lobbying systems and channels for getting these rights totally. We are wasting times and as we have a lot of wasted times for others, now it is our right times to go for it, either in the support of the others or necessarily by our own efforts and facts findings to support this long standing case. Better not to be cheated again and again and for ever. Congratulations for this step of the last time and of every else time to be real actions for real times of independent Nuba Mountains Region to come if it should be so and wisely..

  2. Anuwar and Majid with all other civilian and non-governmental organizations activists, please put it right this time, simply because all sides who are not concerned major with the issue of the Nuba Mountains Region long standing still problems added to that of the Blue Nile Region problem, but the Sudanese are not quite happy about the Nuba Mountains people, for historic reasons. The only cause to be associate with Nuba people to use them as horses, riding them to reach their goals. Now every one should understand properly that we love Sudan, but we should not only be used by others for this exploitive Sudan, the right is to go back to what UN conventions on the rights of the people on their culture and religion of 1997 and the similar convention of the indigenous populations rights of 2009, then decide through proper lobbying systems and channels for getting these rights totally. We are wasting times and as we have a lot of wasted times for others, now it is our right times to go for it, either in the support of the others or necessarily by our own efforts and facts findings to support this long standing case. Better not to be cheated again and again and for ever. Congratulations for this step of the last time and of every else time to be real actions for real times of independent Nuba Mountains Region to come if it should be so and wisely..

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