أخبار السودان

وصول قوات الدعم السريع لكادوقلي


وصلت إلى مدينة كادوقلي حاضرة ولاية جنوب كردفان قوات التدخل السريع?الجنجويد? بأعداد كبيرة عصر أمس الأربعاء، في وقت دعت فيه السلطات المواطنين لإغلاق محلاتهم التجارية والخروج لاستقبال هذه القوات، بينما شهدت المنطقة الشرقية معارك ضارية وقصف بالطيران أدت إلى نزوح أكثر من(25) ألف مواطن من مناطق أم برمبيطة والقرى التي حولها إلى أبو جبيهة.


تعليق واحد

  1. الشعب السوداني نسبة العوارة والعباطة فيهو عالية جدا
    ما ممكن شعب نصفه يموت قصفاً ونصفه الاخر يحتفل بالقتلة

  2. انا بصـــراحه ضد الحرب وقتل اهلنا في جنوب كردفان لاكن برضو مؤيد لضرب الحركه الشعبيه وتحرير كاودا ماممكن طول العمر نكون في الحرب ودي الضربه القاضية يا انتهت الحركه الشعبيه يا انتهي حكم الانقاذ دا جرح نازف اما ان يندمل او انيترك يتقيح انتهي حديثي

  3. We are not just warning, but let us look back for the last three years time and see what the Fast Support Forces may do, but sure wih big failure end I think.
    It is totally the situation that Khartoum Rulers want it to be in this region in specific, since they had failed to achieve that before end of the fourth?s round if the peace talks which had recently failed in Addis Ababa. The message we give to this talented civilian intellectual, being the first class militant man Commander in Chief Abdul Aqziz Al Hillo, his well-known intelligent filed resistance of whom they are truly the committed strong freedom fighters heads of the battalions and their more than abled and brave men for their lands and people. Al Basher, Abdul Rahim, Atta, Ahmed Haroun, Mohammed Markazoo plus others and Mohammed Juraqham are still feeling painful for why they could not make it on 30th April ? 2014, instead of signing the Cease of Fire in the warring zone, they were dreaming whether it would have been possible for them to declare that the region/Nuba Mountains Areas are had been clean of any sort of what they call them rebels. A lesson which they had failed despite launching what was reported by SPLM/A spokesman that the Aerial Bombardments by all sorts of the jet fighters continue to bomb these areas for sixteen continual hours daily including the land attacks, but all those have had been un-successful and they were in vain military and militia of new type of Janjaweed scaling. It is a new kind of challenges that you are absolutely able up to this point to make it a big failure story in the end. Announcing that 15th May ? 2014 may be the new starting round day for resuming the peace talks means nothing to them the dictators and the first class genocide masters in Sudan, after that of 1995 in Rwanda. Sure, the indications given here, not because their hundreds of ammunitions and forces that the websites reported them to have entered Kadugli Town, which is not the first time for them to launch heavy machinery and their associate forces to be, and more over the news show that they are also gearing towards the Western Jebel areas. But because they are quite desperate and never caring what actions they are intending to take to spoil the civilians live style in that areas, mercilessly, to totally disperse the citizens for their lands for their new mercenaries in that parts of the region where they are now mining and stealing plenty of gold and other mineral resources un-declared from that rich place. The new types of the applied dry off resources policies from the people?s ownership and equally to do with others of their properties completely are the developed war system, not against the rebels to them but against the population collectively. The 100% state of alert that you have had since end of May/2011 hasn?t been noticed to others and this time Khartoum is dying for anger to let it vow to do something before any zigzagged tracks of peace may be meaningful to gain peace tips or not. This one is more chaotic but not more strongest elements that they have had got them than the last times during the last three year time of continual failing military pressures on all over there. I am confident that the innocent people residing alongside their as peaceful citizens will face more harder atrocity times more than ever before, yet they will have their smile too one day when that waves of coward human thieves, robberies, rappers, human traffickers un-merciful mercenaries and the bought cheap Sudanese are defeated as normal, even if they are shouting on their armed vehicles to threaten the civilians along their ways to kill them first. The action as strong as that could be may be felt by them as I think and hope for that. This time let the lesson be heard louder by them, more than their flying bombarding missiles in the air of the two regions and Darfur Region as well. God bless you at your stand and usual victory finishing against those strangers and the genocide attackers.

  4. جاجا رجال النوبه في الانتظار اهلًا في ساحات الرجال دا حرب تبقي او لا وإنشاء لله سيتضح قريب مين العلي الحق والأخوة الفرحانيين لمن. الحرب تصلك حتعرفوا ما معني الحرب من النواحي التدميرية .

  5. دا شغل نضيف يلا يا دعم يا سريع نضفو البلد من قطاغ الشمال ومرتزقه الحلو وعملاء امريكا اضربو مصاصي الدماء وناهبي القري وقاتلي الاطفال وفقكم الله لتامين الوطن والمواطن.

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